Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This is a tribute to my Big Sister. We met about a year ago, and instantly clicked. And, so I don't seem completely off-topic, we are both cats! Yup- we're in the cat family. We even have kitty nick-names. Hers is Catastrophe (which she wasn't pleased about) and I was dubbed Duchess.

She is going abroad this semester.. To New Zealand. I left F&M so it's not like I see her all the time anyway, but I'm going to miss her. We've become like actual sisters, and extremely close friends. I love my Big, and I know I'm her favorite Little.

^^Big reveal

^^It was love..

^^ Formal, with another of my favorite kitties

^^Trying on hats because we're classy.  OK.

^^Hopping around on the beach.  Isn't that what you do?

^^Out one night.  And totally sober.

Good bye and good luck Big!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Call Me What You Want...

But you can't ever call me a liar.  That is due to the fact that I don't lie.

Remember when I said that Charlotte is always watching?  Peeking out of places?

Your honor, the defense rests its case.

And, like a silent guardian, she watches over Winchester Drive.

She may not be the hero we need, but she is the hero we deserve.  (I may have watched Dark Knight last night.)


Sookie has the odd habit of interrupting my dreams.  This morning, at 6:15, I hear this obnoxious whining in my dream.  As it turns out, this whining was real.  I wake up.  Sookie is on my bed, looking at me, and meowing.

So I sit up.  She starts circling on my bed, whining.  "What?" I say.  (I don't think I expected a response.)  The meowing continues, and grows more frantic.

"Is Timmy in the well?" I ask... and then laugh.  Because I am so original and clever.

I get out of bed and she jumps in front of me and runs to the door... meowing.  I figure she wants me to follow.  She leads me downstairs, into the kitchen.  Now, I'm expecting Charlotte to be lying dead on the table, or some random dude trying to break in through the back door.  Nope.  Charlotte's fine.  My dad's sitting at the computer.

"Is everything alright?" I ask- because this cat wouldn't dare pull me out of bed for nothing.

He tells me it is.  I look at their food and water bowls.  Full.  At this point, Sookie has stopped meowing and is meandering around the kitchen.  There was no reason for me to be up.  NONE.

Cat- if you ever pull another stunt like that, so help you God, I will kick you out onto the streets.