Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This is a tribute to my Big Sister. We met about a year ago, and instantly clicked. And, so I don't seem completely off-topic, we are both cats! Yup- we're in the cat family. We even have kitty nick-names. Hers is Catastrophe (which she wasn't pleased about) and I was dubbed Duchess.

She is going abroad this semester.. To New Zealand. I left F&M so it's not like I see her all the time anyway, but I'm going to miss her. We've become like actual sisters, and extremely close friends. I love my Big, and I know I'm her favorite Little.

^^Big reveal

^^It was love..

^^ Formal, with another of my favorite kitties

^^Trying on hats because we're classy.  OK.

^^Hopping around on the beach.  Isn't that what you do?

^^Out one night.  And totally sober.

Good bye and good luck Big!

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